Why Podcast for Your Real Estate Business?
Once upon a time podcasts were a truly misunderstood form of art. Like a radio show, but not quite. People were confused by the format and didn’t really understand the point of it. But look at it know, the podcast has become a favorite platform for 80% of Americans. And let’s face it, that’s a big deal.
Yes, it’s a huge number of people. But what is so appealing about podcasts? What makes listeners go back to their favorite podcasts again and again? It is an interesting question considering the fact that we live in the era of YouTube and the rise of video content.
We think the answer is simple. Podcasts meet the requirements of our time. The modern world is fast-paced. We are constantly on the road, constantly moving from one place to another all with our phone in our hand. Podcasts check all the boxes. They are mobile oriented, operating system neutral and always there to be downloaded when needed.
And the podcast culture is so rich! There is endless valuable content on countless subjects.
So how does podcast culture challenge YouTube culture? Ask yourself this question. Is there funny, educational, and engaging content on YouTube that I can listen while I’m driving in my car?
With podcasts there is. And as listeners attest, it feels more natural and personal. Without the visuals getting in the way, people pay more attention to what you say rather than how the picture looks. This affects how they perceive you. Research shows people are more likely to retain information from a podcast than a video.
It also shows podcast listeners are more loyal than YouTube subscribers. So what does it all mean? It means that if you’re able to interest your target audience they’re more likely to go back to your podcast, and stay loyal to your brand.
Now, how does this information apply to the real estate agents? As we all know, creating a website and providing valuable content via blogs, is a very important marketing strategy. It helps you to develop your brand recognition and reputation, to become more visible, and to generate more leads. Valuable content is the key to winning the heart of your clients.
By adding a podcast to your content portfolio, you can give your audience the chance to choose what format works best for them.
What Equipment Do You Need for Your Real Estate Podcast?
- Microphone– First of all, you need a good microphone because the quality of the audio is very important. You want to find the mic that will cancel white noise and capture your voice perfectly.
- Headphones- In addition to the high-quality mic, you will also need good quality headphones.
- We also recommend a boom suspension. It’s not a necessity, but it will save you a lot of time and energy. With a boom suspension you will not need to worry about mic positioning or placement.
- Editing Software– No matter how good the quality of the audio is, at one point or another you will need to edit your audio. Luckily, there are many options for you to choose from. The most popular and the most recommended are Adobe Audition and GarageBand. The good news is that GarageBand comes preinstalled on Mac, so if you have Apple, you won’t need any additional programs.
- Account– You will need to set up an account to post your podcast. There are lots of options starting from SoundCloud, Blubrry, Libsyn and many others.
- Cover Art- it’s a great option to list your podcast on iTunes. It’s one of the best ways to promote your podcast. Usually, on iTunes cover art appears next to the podcast’s name, which makes it more appealing.
How Can You Promote Your Real Estate Podcast?
The big question is, how can you promote your podcasts? Having a great, informational podcast with good audio unfortunately is not enough. You need to know how to promote it the correct way.
- Social Media- First and probably the most important platform for promotion is social media. Podcasts are closely linked with mobile devices. And we know users are constantly checking social media on there phones. Therefore social media presents a perfect platform to promote your podcast. Share it on as many social media accounts as possible for more visibility.
- Email marketing- Email marketing is another great strategy for promoting your podcast. Use this opportunity to remind people about the new episodes directly in their inbox.
- Pop-ups– Yes, people think they are annoying. But with the correct placement and timing, it’s possible to create the right impression. It is important to remember not to make the pop-up appear right after people click on your website. Wait 20-30 seconds. Let people see what kind of content they are dealing with. Then, after a short time, let the pop-up appear.
- iTunes– We already mentioned it. iTunes is a great platform to get more visibility and with the right description and keywords you can rank highly on in the iTunes search queries.
What Type of Podcasts Can You Create?
Podcasts are all about giving your audience what they need. This means providing valuable information. Unfortunately, real estate is a decentralized industry with no central governing body. So the real estate information is typically scattered around the Internet. Creating a space where real estate agents will find all the information they need in one place is a big opportunity. And since there are not many real estate influencers doing it, there is room to grow.
So, what type of content you can include in your podcasts?
- General information about real estate– Educational podcasts never go out of style.
- Real estate marketing-How to be successful real estate agents, how to adapt to the call of the times and how to incorporate technologies and modern marketing strategies to building a strong powerful brand.
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