chats with real estate clients

How to Be Friendly, Yet Professional in Chats With Clients: Guide for Realtors. Part 2

As in the previous article, we talked about the first four keys to making clients satisfied in chats. In this article, we will discuss more professional behavior on making your customers feel comfortable and happy when purchasing the products or services you offer. Having a satisfied client is every real estate agent’s dream and the company’s goal as well. Continue reading to study further aspects of having happy clients through chats

Check for Grammar and Spelling

When talking to clients, you have to make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct and official. Do not use abbreviations such as ASAP, BRB, FYI, BFN, TY. A professional Realtor will always write the full words and avoid grammatical errors. Being too friendly and using slang will make clients feel like you are not very professional or, worse, they will not take you seriously. Although it might seem like hard work for new Realtors, there are several apps that will help you write  content, such as Grammarly .

Pay Attention

If you are not a native speaker, communicating with clients can be stressful work for you, especially initially. Don’t be afraid to send your messages right away. Proofreading your message can be a bit tiring and will keep your potential clients on wait, and they might lose interest in you just for delaying with your response. You might have grammatical mistakes or minor errors once in a while, not to worry. You are a human being, not a robot, your clients will understand a minor typo, however, avoid making them often. 

Save the Humor for Later

Making jokes and being too friendly isn’t a good option. Avoid talking to your clients as if they are your friend. Being friendly is a must. Clients should trust you and your company but pay attention not to cross any lines and always remember that this is a business chat. It will help if you should learn to be positive but not rude or too friendly with clients. Act in a way that satisfies everyone.

Wrap up Conversations with a Positive Note

At the end of the conversation,you should always make sure that you have answered all the questions and solved the problem so that the client is truly satisfied with you and your company. Then you can end your conversation with a friendly tone. The end of the conversation is as important as the start. Your potential client should feel comfortable messaging again. At the end of the chat, ask if there is anything else they would like to know or ask. Never leave the client hanging at the end, make sure they know that the chat has come to an end.

Use Active Voice

Using the active voice is important.  Because  using the passive voice all the time might sometimes make the message unclear and your client might get the impression that  you are not that professional in what you do. Here are the benefits of using the active voice:

  • Active voice is not confusing
  • It’s simple and direct 
  • They emphasize and add clarity to the sentence  

But, always have in mind that it’s not possible to have a conversation in the active voice only. Of course, you will have sentences in the passive voice in your daily chats with clients but just make sure not to let it be more than normal to avoid an awkward conversation.

Give Fast Replies 

Never leave a chat on answered. When a customer is left unanswered, they lose interest in your company and will straight up go to the next. Sometimes, they even text several companies and will go for the ones that reply fastest. So always be ready to accept the chats as they come. Almost all clients have said that the waiting part on chats is the most annoying part of the shopping experience. Isn’t it for you?

Ask for Feedback 

At the end of the conversation, especially if the client has reported an issue, ask for feedback. Problems occur every time in every real estate company. Asking the clients for feedback will help you and your company work with more efficiency. Every feedback will let you know what to do to be a better Realtor. The more you reach the clients’ standards, the more you will gain potential ones. Feedback can be in the form of a conversation or a report form.

Avoid Misunderstanding 

If a client does not entirely explain their issue completely or do so in a way that might lead to misunderstandings, ask for further explanation. If it’s not possible via chatting you could give them a call to properly understand the issue. Misunderstandings can lead to bigger problems. Ask as many questions as needed to ensure that you understand what the client is asking. 

Final Word 

It is important for the real estate companies to have a chat service on their website. And having the correct information on how to chat with clients or how to keep them happy with you and your real estate company is crucial. The bottom line is that with a successful chatting technique, you can keep both you and your clients satisfied and happy. Your clients are your key to your success. Make sure you show them the care and importance they need. 

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Old and New Strategies for Communication with Clients – Real Estate Edition

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