The Major Role of Listings Pictures in the Real Estate Market
Marketing your listings properly impacts your whole revenue. With a quick internet search, you see there are hundreds of marketing strategies covering all the different aspects of the real estate market. However, in my opinion, many agents neglect the importance of listings pictures and their essential role in closing deals. I will provide some fundamental tips for agents and realtors to consider while putting any listing on their real estate website.
How do People Find Their Desired Home?
There are several ways people find their desired property that is related to our topic Homebuyers start their online search by using Google, mostly, to find homes in their desired neighborhood. For example, they search ”homes for sale in Manhattan.” First, they visit well-known real estate websites. Then, they use other tools mostly provided by real estate websites that include neighborhood or school information, market reports, etc. After that, they will return to their agents or other local websites for more information and in some cases clarifications. As we see from the very beginning up to the decision-making step, listings pictures play a major role for homebuyers. If we do not consider improving this aspect of our listings, we definitely risk losing many potential buyers.
I’m sure most of your clients have experienced the following situation at least once. You open the real estate website and look at the pictures. You find some properties eye-catching and beautiful. Then you look at the pricing to evaluate their value and compare it with your budget. Although the pricing is a little high, you still want to see it. You call your agent and set the time for the showing. Here what happened? The pictures were so interesting that they persuaded you to take your chance and pay a visit to the property. If the photography is not good, the client will definitely move on and search for another listing. It is possible that in the end, you find the property not as interesting as it appeared on the website, but the images did their job perfectly. Everyone in real estate needs the same high-quality pictures to increase property exposure and boost sales at the end of the day. This is the power of good real estate photography!
However, shockingly there are some agents and realtors who are not capable of using photography properly. It is not rare to see the image of the realtor reflected in the mirror. On the other hand, there are some realtors using photoshop to cover the deficiencies of the property or make it more fascinating by making the outdoor grass greener, etc. Under any circumstance, the most useful strategy for boosting your sales is keeping your integrity and being known as an honest and reliable agent.
There is also one more important thing hidden here. I highly believe the order of the pictures being shown to the client matters too. Psychologically, they prefer to see the pictures in the same sequence as they are entering the property themselves. So the order of the photos matters surely. They want the first photo to be of the exterior, showing the entire property and then the interior. The last photo also should be the exterior of the building and its surroundings.
I highly recommend all agents use professional photographers or least take courses online on photography, even free ones. Try to offer more and higher quality photos and also well-ordered images to your clients on your real estate website.
As mentioned above, photography is crucial in the home search process, and we need to invest time and money in it. Posting good pictures with the aid of professional photographers can help make you stand out. As suggested before, you can also take some online courses in the beginning or ask for help. Just keep in mind that having high-quality pictures on your website helps you on your path to success in this business.
What do you think? Comment your ideas below.
For further study, you can also read the following articles as well: How Do Real Estate Agents Get Listings? and How to Promote Your Real Estate Website Successfully?
Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this article as “Market Reports Add-on” has been later renamed to “User Analytics Add-on”.
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