How to Be More Productive in Real Estate

Most real estate agents want to set themselves apart.

There’s really no secret to do so.

You need to work hard and be productive.

The top real estate agents and brokers are efficient.

They are diligent with their time.

And they are constantly fine-tuning to make the most of their workday.

Here’s how to be more productive in real estate and set yourself apart.


The strongest real estate agents make good use of tools and systems that increase their productivity. This can be lead capture tools, SEO automation or a CRM.

Don’t dismiss tools that can help you attract leads and close deals faster. If you can speed up your lead turnover, you can make more sales in a year.


If you’ve maxed out the systems you can use, consider hiring an assistant. You may think you can’t afford it. But if your assistant can help you sell 3+ homes a year, he will pay for himself.

An assistant will handle the administrative tasks of your business, allowing you to specialize in finding and cultivating new leads.


You will notice that the most productive agents set goals and deadlines.

The fact is that we tend to work slower if we don’t have an objective to meet.

So set regular goals for yourself. If you are able to meet all of your goals in a week, it’s time to set them higher.


It’s very simple. If you start work at 7 a.m. when everyone else starts at 9 a.m., you are two hours ahead of your competition.

You can use this time to work on SEO, client follow up, are do any other tasks you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.



Strong real estate agents are constantly evolving.

This requires focusing on weaknesses and improving them.

We don’t like to do it. But spending time each week to strengthen the weak parts of our business is necessary.

And it makes us more productive.


To maximize your productivity you need to work in a productive environment.

This means surrounding yourself with motivated people.

If you are new to real estate, choose a brokerage that challenges you. If you walk into an office and the intensity puts you out of your comfort zone, this is good sign!

If you work from home, make sure you have a dedicated office or work space.

Despite what you may see online or on TV, the couch is not where you’ll be most productive.


Social media is part of the business of real estate. It’s fact.

But your approach to social media should be business only.

Make a social media calendar and stick to it. If someone comments on your post, respond.

But don’t make a habit of browsing social media just because it’s part of your job.


Your calendar is your key work tool.

You should be precise and concrete with it.

If you block out time for a client, this time is non-negotiable.

You should treat other tasks you add to it in the same way.

Follow these tips all day every day, and you’ll find yourself more productive.

This will take your business and ultimately your life, to a new level.

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