9 Tips to Market Your Real Estate Listing for Telework
The pandemic has completely remade the way we work. Millions across the nation have begun teleworking on a full or part time basis. Even with an effective vaccine and wide distribution, high levels of remote work are likely to be with us for years to come.
The change has fundamentally shifted the way we view the home. No longer is it a domain for family and friends alone. For teleworkers, the home also is an office, conference space, media center, and communications hub.
As a real estate agent, you need to be able to see the potential in a home and convey this vision to your clients. In this blog we will show you how to evaluate a listing for telework and market it appropriately.
Why Market For Telework Specifically?
Real estate agents have long marketed home offices. But modern telework is unique. The equipment, software, and hours have greatly changed over the last decade. The pandemic has only accelerated these trends. As a result, teleworkers have very specific needs. As a real estate agent, you need to identify and market to these needs.
Tips to Market Your Listing for Telework
It may not always be obvious, but with a critical eye and some creativity, almost any listing can be marketed for telework. Here are some tips.
Focus on Bright, Open Spaces
Your marketing materials should use bright, open spaces where teleworkers could comfortably spend the workday. A photo of a desk in the basement just isn’t going to cut it in 2020/2021.
Don’t Worry About a Home Office
If your listing does not have a home office, do not despair. Today’s teleworkers are more flexible than ever. Showing how spaces can convert from family areas to work areas can be just as valuable as a traditional office.
Consider a Standing Desk
Consider a standing desk in your staging. Traditional desks and chairs are bulky. If space is tight, a standing desk may provide the work area you seek without crowding the room.
Focus on Functionality
Try to convey functionality in your marketing materials. Telework spaces will be used regularly, so you need to demonstrate the telework area in your listing is ready. Use sturdy furniture. Keep the space simple and clean. Limit decorations.
Set up a Zoom Background
With the popularity of video conferencing, many teleworkers spend time thinking about their video background. You can demonstrate the suitability of your listing by designing your own. Bookshelves, houseplants, and artwork can be arranged to provide an optimal setting for these calls.
Don’t Discount the Kitchen
The kitchen is a perfectly marketable telework space. There is nothing wrong with working from a kitchen table or some open counter space. After all, it is closer to the coffee.
Connectivity Is Key
You may want to make mention of the available internet service providers. This is especially true in rural communities where there may be fewer options.
Don’t Forget Nearby Amenities
Even the most dedicated teleworker needs to get out sometimes, so be sure to market the neighborhood. A nearby walking path or coffee shop can provide the perfect venue for some fresh air and clear mind for workers.
Use Proper Lighting
When showing or photographing, natural light is preferred for your telework spaces. But you may add a floor or table lamp in a pinch.
Now you know how to market your listings for telework. With some creativity and attention to detail, you can make almost any listing telework ready. Use these tips in your listing photos, videos, and virtual showings to improve your listing and attract more buyers.
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