Pets and Zoom Rooms, Two Property Features Every Real Estate Agent Should Focus on

Pets and Zoom Rooms, Two Property Features Every Real Estate Agent Should Focus on

Recent changes in real estate buyer preferences provide new opportunities for Realtors. They can focus on new trends that arise from our latest needs. More and more people have been pushed or have chosen to work from home.

Studies also show that new couples and first-time buyers are more concerned with home offices and pets than kids’ or guests’ rooms. All of these new trends are important signals for real estate agents. From now on, they can take advantage of these trends and provide new details in their property promotions.

Before discussing ways you can include pets and Zoom rooms in your ads, let’s find out what exactly they are: 

What Is a Pet-Inclusive Property?

According to a study, the number of pet owners (at least one) in the U.S. has risen by 11 percent from 1988 to 2019, which means over 63 million households own a pet; and this number only talks about before the pandemic. So, this means that a large fraction of society has their pets in mind when moving. Other stats show some move only to provide better accommodation for their pets. 

A pet-inclusive property often has the following features:

  • The owner has not included a “no pet” policy in the agreement.
  • The furniture is selected with pets in mind.
  • Stairs and doorways are pet friendly.
  • There is a backyard.
  • There are a lot of other features that are designed for pets.

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What Is a Zoom Room and Why It Matters?

With limitations still in place, a lot of folks still work remotely. Some have decided to work from home for good. This means there is a great deal of demand for properties to feature an office or study where working hours can be smoothly separated from family time. 

Such rooms are now called Zoom rooms for obvious reasons. Working at home involves conducting meetings. There is an ongoing debate about whether or not we should dress up for a virtual meeting, but the fact that we need a well-lit environment for a meeting remains unquestionable. 

Even if folks don’t work from home, their children are most likely to be educated online; this is another reason why homebuyers will ask you about a Zoom room. 

If you are a real estate professional and wish to learn more about lead generation strategies with Zoom, please check out the following article:

Zoom and Real Estate Lead Generation

Bottom Line

Despite the rising significance of pets and remote working for home buyers, there are still a lot of properties that overlook these features. As a Realtor, you can be one of the leading members of the real estate market to provide such data for your clients and stand out from other agents. 

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