Elevator Pitch For Real Estate Agents
Experienced real estate agents will tell you that the first 20 seconds is what makes a difference in the conversation. If you’re able to grab attention of the person you’re speaking with, you can count it as a huge success.
We all know that networking is a long-term strategy. The people you talk with and make a good impression on might come back to you and request your service, or recommend you to their friends. That’s why crafting an elevator pitch often seems like some sort of an art form.
So, for the new real estate agents out there, let’s start with discussing what is exactly an elevator pitch.
Elevator Pitch—What, When and How?
An elevator pitch is often simplified as the answer that people give to the question “What do you do?” How quickly you come up with an answer and how much information you can provide in your quick speech, will determine the success of your elevator pitch.
The most obvious answer is “I’m a real estate agent.” And even though this is true, it’s a pretty generic response. And it doesn’t showcase how your services might be valuable for the person you’re speaking to.
So, what should the best elevator speech sound like?
Let’s take a look at entrepreneur and marketer Allan Dib’s take on that topic. In his bestselling book The 1-Page Marketing Plan, he discusses in detail elevator pitch concepts. He mentions that often, the responses to the question what do you do, aka your elevator pitches, end up as wasted opportunities. People give generic answers that are in no way helpful or inviting further conversation.
Every successful marketing strategy is based upon indicating a problem and finding a solution to that problem.
Allan Dib mentions that elevator pitch should have exact same approach:
- Problem
- Solution
- Proof
As a real estate agent, you will encounter many situations where your clients are struggling with first time buying, selling property, moving cities, or researching neighborhoods.
Apply these situations to your elevator pitch. Incorporate the problems your clients encounter in your elevator pitch, showcase how you’re helping them overcome these problems, and provide proof.
Need a Real Estate Elevator Pitch? Take a Look.
Let’s use the same formula and modulate the approximate conversation you might be having.
-“What do you do?”
-”Oh, you know how hard it is to sell a house fast. There are so many things to consider. I help people sell property quickly and easily. In fact, last month I helped 5 clients sell property and move into new houses”
Let’s take a look at another example.
-”So, what do you do?”
-”You know how hard it is to buy a property if you’re not a resident.I help non-residents buy or sell land and other property in our country. Actually, last year I helped 20 buyers move countries.”
Both examples showcase how important it is to present the unique side of your job.
P.S Interested in how to establish a brokerage? Check out our article How to Establish a Brokerage.
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