Why Do I Need a Mobile App for My IDX Website?
In the era of mobile technology, having a website as a real estate agent is common sense. Having a website that is mobile responsive is a must-have if you want to be able to keep up with such a competitive field. But having your own mobile app is a whole new level.
So, you might have a reasonable question, why do I need an app when my website is mobile responsive? Isn’t it enough? No, it’s not. With the development of the real estate field, you need to implement as many advanced technologies as possible to stay on top and continue to be ahead of the game.
The Differences Between Mobile App and Mobile Website
Before we jump on to why you should develop an app for your IDX website, let’s start with differentiating between mobile responsive websites and mobile apps. The mobile website has the characteristics of the usual website with only one difference, it’s designed for a smaller touch screen interface: such as a smartphone. Aside from being designed for smartphone devices, responsive websites are usually compatible with desktop computers, tablets, and other devices.
As for the app, it is usually downloaded on the phone rather than connected it through the browser as in the case of the website. Depending on your smartphone, you can download the app from various markets and stores: Apple’s App Store, or Google Play’s Android Market.
User-Friendly Mobile App
Here is the thing about modern consumers, as researchers show, many Millennials prefer mobile apps over mobile websites. It’s easier to access and often can be accessed to some level offline. It is a big kudos of apps which mobile websites don’t have.
User Experience is Customizable
Having a mobile app is a great way of offering your customers a personalized experience. What I mean by customized and personalized experience, is that users can save searches and also location. Based on the saved search preferences, the app is able to suggest similar locations, thus making the search process easier and more enjoyable.
Send the Notifications to Your Customers Easily
In the modern business world, email is the most prevalent way of contacting your customers. But it’s not the only one. With mobile apps, you can send notifications instantly if new listings are added or updated. You can always stay in touch with your customers.
Add Visibility to Your Brand
How can you add visibility to your brand with mobile apps? Here is the thing, smartphones are an inseparable part of our life. On a daily basis, we use smartphones probably for more than 6-9 hours. Just imagine that someone downloaded your app on their smartphone and are constantly seeing it on their screen. It will certainly add more visibility and recognition to your brand.
Aside from recognition, the fact that customers downloaded your app on their phone and took the precious memory of the phone is already a sign of loyalty and that customers are seriously interested in your brand.
P.S Want to find out more about mobile apps? Check out this articles:
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