How I can integrate TREB (Toronto Real Estate Board) with WordPress
Toronto Real Estate Board is one of the largest in Canada, and with Realtyna Organic MLS Integration you can host all TREB listings on your WordPress site for a one-time payment (no monthly data access fees).
With a purchase of Organic MLS Integration, we will establish a custom data freed from the TREB RETS server to your WordPress site, allowing you to host your own data and capture all SEO value.
In addition we provide all of our products under a lifetime license. This means with Realtyna Organic Integration, you could pay once and have MLS data on your site for as long as you maintain in good standing with TREB.
Contact us for a free back-end trial or to see a few clients we’ve already served with TREB: https://realtyna.com/contact
Looking for a product to serve another Canadian MLS, CREA, or DDF? We can help you there too: https://realtyna.com/blog/use-wordpress-with-canadian-mls-ddf-feed/
What Is RETS?
RETS or the Real Estate Transaction Standard is a way for real estate agents to access MLS listings and publish them on their website. A RETS feed with Realtyna’s Organic MLS Integration provides thousands of indexable listing pages on your website, helping you rank higher and attract more leads.
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