What Should You Do on Social Media as a Real Estate Agent
The hardest part about social media is that sometimes you have no idea what to post. This becomes a problem for every business owner once in a while. You know about writer’s block, but social media content block also exists. And real estate social media is no exception.
This is the one where we go back to the basics and discuss what you can, as a real estate agent, post on social media:
Property Tours for Real Estate Social Media
Property tours are a great way to fight your social media blocks. It’s so basic, but at the end of the day, that’s why people follow you- properties. They can get almost every other thing you post on social media somewhere else.
Your winning card are your exclusive listings, try to give your followers information they won’t get anywhere else. Like an exclusive tour before a property is officially up for sale. This will be a great value for your followers
Real Estate Tips
As a real estate agent, you know a lot about the housing, real estate, selling and buying market in general. Try to identify what would help your followers to know and give them that information as small tips.
Something that would help their houses to sell quickly or small tips on how to navigate the market in general.
Useful Checklists for Sellers for Your Real Estate Social Media
Sellers have to do a lot to get the best deal for their house. With the information overflow about what needs to be done and what is the best approach, it can get quite overwhelming
This is where you come in. You can help sellers by providing the information about what buyers are looking for. What’s trending on the market, what’s in and what’s out, etc..
Do this in a checklist form, so everything is straightforward and easily remembered.
Motivational Quotes
This seems too easy, but it actually works. You could provide an article heavy with valuable information and something this easy could still get more clicks.
Don’t get this as a discouragement to provide valuable content, but doing something simple can still be beneficial.
You could post top 10 or top 20 motivational quotes and spark people’s interest very easily. Sometimes lack of information is not the industry professional’s problem, but lack of inspiration is.
FAQs for Real Estate Social Media
One of the best ways to produce content? Tracking what people asks you more often- online or offline.
Answer these questions-preferably in a video form, and you have a great content on your hands.
Home Staging Ideas for Your Real Estate Social Media
Home staging is very popular these days. If you know your stuff in that field, share with your followers
Homeselling/Home Buying Process
This is especially interesting for the first time sellers and buyers. We live in an information overflow age, but this kind of practical information is still rare to come by.
Content creators mainly go after difficult concepts, but something this simple can be very interesting to the right audience. So you need to market it as such: simple content for first time buyers and sellers, who have no idea what they got into and need some clarity.
Important Articles
The best thing about social media is that you don’t always have to create content yourself and even if it’s the case, you can still have great engagement.
The thing with this is that you have to do it at the right time with the right caption.
What do we mean? Imagine (no need for imagination, there is plenty) there is a controversial topic in real estate, find great article explaining it all and share it with your audience, tell them: “Hey, if you want to be on top of things, read this right here because of this and that reasons”
Attention grabbing caption is necessary when you share content from another source.
Memes for Your Real Estate Social Media
Memes really are a great idea for social media. But there are some things to keep in mind. You need quality memes, every other month there is a new one, so keep up with trends and please don’t share memes from 2 years ago, you’ll lose millennials. Shortly, if you do it, keep up with trends.
Second important thing about memes is that you shouldn’t overdo it. Simple as that.
If you have trouble finding meme materials, there are numerous social media groups and forums that will give you more than enough. Join them and meme on.
Real Estate Fun Facts
Real estate is such a versatile subject and there can be and are so many fun facts about famous buildings, houses, etc…
You don’t have to be serious all the time to seem professional, especially on social media. When it comes to it, remember that a little fun never hurt nobody.Want to know more about social media tactics? Read our blog How to Get Followers on Social Media and Become a Real Estate Influencer OR How to Improve Your Social Media Experience and Generate More Real Estate Leads
Posted at 11:02h, 09 FebruaryThanks gor the ideas! Great article!