What is MRED?
Midwest Real Estate Data or MRED is the biggest MLS service provider in the area. An “industry giant,” as they refer to their MLS, this MLS offers accurate information to over 45,000 agents, brokers and appraisers.
MRED is not technically an MLS. It is rather an aggregator which provides Chicagoland MLS data to surrounding areas.
The main coverage area is Northern Illinois but parts of southern Wisconsin and northern Indiana are also served by MRED. The counties within the realm of MRED are the following:
MRED Provides:
- The type of property
- Year built or renovated
- Tax and assessment amounts
- Market time in # of days
- Zip code, city and county
- Number of units (in the case of an attached property)
- Square footage
- Room dimensions and features
- Lot size and characteristics
- Number of stories (in the case of a detached property)
- Garage or Parking availability
- Agent remarks and written description
Source: MRED LLC
MRED takes pride in using the latest advances in technology to better serve professionals in the region.
MRED was ranked the most innovative MLS in the US and its Help desk has been one of the best in North America for support and reliability.
MRED is the first-ever MLS to take advantage of Rest.ai artificial intelligence services.
Why it Matters
MRED is a force to be reckoned with. Here is why:
- It the biggest MLS provider in the Midwest in the most densely populated area in the region: Chicagoland
- It provides all-exclusive features for realtors such as RESO Gold API and wholesale pricing
- It provides free training for subscribers
- Great coverage (45,000 real estate professionals and 7300 offices)
As MLS providers around the nation merge, those affected by the changes must stay tuned with what comes next for an MLS, so they can plan their business more effectively.
Have experience with MRED or Chicagoland MLS, feel free to share with us in the comments!
Or interested to know about other MLS in the country? Check out What is TREND MLS?
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