I’m Not a Licensed Real Estate Agent, Can I Get an MLS Feed?
We get the question all the time.
I’m not a licensed real estate agent, can I get an MLS feed?
The answer is yes and no.
We’ll start with the reasons why you might not be able to get a MLS feed as a non-agent.
Every MLS has a data application process to acquire a feed. This process includes the paperwork and compliance rules to protect the MLS data.
Because of security and other concerns, the MLS often only approve their own members.
So if you call an MLS today and apply for a data feed, you are probably not going to get it.
Realtyna offers real estate technology solutions, not the actual data. So we can’t provide you a feed.
But you still have a few options.
Build a Relationship With the MLS
There are always exceptions. If you have a long standing relationship with the MLS, you may be able to get a feed as a non-agent. You will likely need to present a clear and transparent business model and explain in detail how you plan to use the MLS data.
Work With an Agent
Bringing a licensed agent on board as a partner, will greatly increase your chances of getting a feed.
Use a Syndication Service
A few companies offer property listing feeds to non-agents. A few to check out are ListHub and Point2. If you have the time and resources to become a publisher with these services, you can get a data feed without needing a real estate license.
Analytics Only
If you are focusing on real estate analytics only, two other companies might interest you. Black Knight and Core Logic have a lot of real estate data and may be able to provide the solution you need.
Build Own Database
If you have your own listings, you can build your own searchable electronic property database. Realtyna offers software to import listings and display them on your site.
You also may consider seeking MLS access as an unlicensed assistant. This will provide you a login to MLS (not an actual feed), but it may be a good way to get started. Again, having a relationship with an agent will be helpful. He or she probably will need to sign the form to approve you for the login.
If you are not a licensed agent, do not despair. You have a few options to get the information you need.
No matter which direction you choose, Realtyna offers solutions to speed you project development.
We have products to import listings via CSV/XML: https://realtyna.com/data-importer-for-wpl/
We also support RETS and syndicated feeds: https://realtyna.com/enterprise-solutions/data-feed-integration/
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