Content Marketing Made Simple For Real Estate Agents
Before we discuss the specifics and how-tos of content marketing, it’s important we have a clear understanding of why does it deserve to take so much time and energy from us. Firstly, let me repeat this- It will definitely take a lot of time and energy to create great content, but it’s also worth it. Content marketing is one of the most powerful lead generation tools in real estate and lots of top performing agents and agencies would agree to this statement.
Position of google. So, one last question left is how to create great content and market it for your real estate business and we are here to provide
When we are talking content in real estate, video should definitely be the first in the list. If you’re not ready for video marketing yet, in a couple of years doing business would be very, very hard. The video really is the future of the industry and especially in content marketing.
Now, If you’re ready to start, but at the same time have some precautions, let me tell you, there is nothing to be afraid of. Start small. Most professionals make the mistake of avoiding the video because they think it’s way too hard and expensive. In reality, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Start with Facebook or Instagram lives, record short videos for your social media- one thing you have to do is provide value, everything else will come with time.
How should you provide the value? Just ask your leads what they want to know and give them information. For instance, ‘How’s the Market?’ is one of the most frequently asked questions to real estate agents, so you can do video series for your local market and give your leads periodic updates of what’s going on.
Mobile-Friendly Content
There is a good chance your consumers will be mobile users and that’s because mobile users are consuming more and more content and the number is only going to increase.
This is why it’s very important that your content is mobile-friendly. First, there is technical stuff you should pay attention to, like your site’s responsiveness and mobile speed. As for content, make sure your content is scannable and concise.
Scannable doesn’t necessarily mean it should be short, just break your text up in small paragraphs and with images. Write short, eye-catching headlines. Optimize your content for social media with more media- video, images, bullet points, infographics(you can use one of the free platforms to create them), etc.
Audio is definitely one of the major parts of content marketing. With podcasts, you have a chance to become a real estate guru at a very low price.
How to make your audio content engaging? Follow these simple rules:
Provide value, don’t make it too long and tiring, invite guests once in a while, sound professional and pleasant to listen to and most importantly, provide value. Value is always the most important factor and can never be ignored.
Other than that, it would be really cool if you have some kind of structure and consistency, maybe create a slogan for your podcast and this goes without saying- share and advertise.
Future may be in the video, but blogging is still one of the most effective ways to generate leads and position yourself as a real estate expert on the market.
Now, the most important question: how to make your blog popular within your audience? To answer this we have to differentiate a blog from every other content marketing channel we’ve talked about in this blog. They all have one thing in common and that is to provide value for the consumer, but the blog gives you an opportunity to do that in the most authentic way because there is nothing to distract the audience, no visuals, and no audio.
To make your blog worth reading provide as much unique information as you can, but don’t be boring. There is always a story that can be told to illustrate some kind of data or a trend.
Most importantly, be a storyteller
SEO Copywriting
This part of content marketing is totally different case. Here, you basically write for a search engine as well as people.
To rank higher in Google, there are a couple of tips and tricks everyone uses in the online business. One of the most important is keyword research and using them throughout the article. Having a 1% to 3% exact match keyword density is most optimal. To translate this rule, every 1,000 words, you should use your keyword phrase between 10 and 30 times.
Another easy to implement rule is including each LSI keyword phrase, that comes up for your actual keywords, once within your content where it’s relevant.
Make your content organically longer, google tens to rank longer content higher, but to figure out exactly how long your content should be, research other articles for your keyword, see how long top-ranking content is and make yours longer.
Last, but not least, use relevant External and Internal links, when using external links to make it a high-authority source. Google tries to provide the best possible content to its users, so using external and internal links will make your content seem loaded with useful information.
Wanna know more about SEO for real estate agents? Read our blog SEO in Action: How to Increase your SEO on your WordPress IDX Site or How SEO Can Help You Generate Long-Term Real Estate Leads and Achieve High ROI
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