What Are Some Essential Real Estate Agents’ Tasks?

What Are Some Essential Real Estate Agents’ Tasks?

Explaining what real estate agents do is akin to trying to fit the job of marketers, communication specialists, salespeople, task managers, and many more into one description. Yes, the initial description is that real estate agents help people sell and purchase property. 

But there is so much more to that. You’ve probably heard already real estate agents juggle millions of tasks. Well, that’s true and today we will talk about some of the key tasks of real estate agents.


First and foremost, real estate agents are communication specialists. If you’re a newbie real estate agent or a person thinking about getting involved in the real estate industry and you’re thinking communication skills isn’t your strongest suit, don’t worry. There are tons of scripts out there roleplaying many situations you can experience as a real estate agent. Real estate professionals all over the world pour their practical knowledge into these scripts, and the coolest thing is they are customizable. 

But most importantly, real estate agents learn the best communication techniques through trial and error practicing real estate business. 

Real estate agents communicate with clients, making sure that everything goes smoothly and notifying them about new changes. And of course, real estate agents contact other agents. That’s a part of real estate professionals’ everyday tasks.


Trying to find the best property with the best price for real estate clients is a real estate agent’s primary concern. But the negotiating part of the real estate agent’s job is a way more complex and time-consuming process than you might think. Real estate agents need to make sure everyone involved in a deal is making the necessary decisions to help the deal close faster. That’s when real estate agents’ task manager skills are showcased in the best way.

Staying Up-to-Date With a Real Estate Market

Knowledge is power. You cannot generate leads without recognizing major trends and tendencies in the market. Often, staying informed is one thing that differentiates you from your competitors. Real estate agents constantly research and try to stay up-to-date with the latest real estate data. Whether it will be researching the MLS database or new marketing trends, real estate agents do it all.


Even though real estate open houses aren’t currently something that is advised to hold, real estate agents with all safety precautions, showcase the property to their clients through live open houses or virtual tours.

Realtyna's Agents Shares Business


Marketing is a vital part of the real estate agent’s job. Presenting their brand and listings in the right way is very important. Real estate agents use different marketing tools and platforms for that. Social media channels, websites, and local MLS—all these platforms serve as a great platform for real estate marketing.


Networking is part of the lead generation process. How? You can get tons of referrals by just connecting with the right person. To learn  more about networking check out our blog How to Virtually Network During Pandemic: Real Estate Edition

Making Calls and Updating Database 

Cold calling is something that real estate agents have mixed feelings about. But still, for many real estate agents, it remains one of the best lead generation techniques. 

Agents are constantly updating their database. It’s one of the most essential tasks.

Following Up

Following up is something real estate agents have a lot of experience with, whether it’s following up with a reluctant client or making sure that the deal is proceeding smoothly.

P.S Interested in the future of the real estate market? Check out our blog Is Real Estate Moving Toward Suburbs and Rural Areas?

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The opinions or information expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views, policy, or position of Realtyna. The information on Realtyna’s Website is general, for informational purposes only, and is not to be relied upon or interpreted as real estate, legal, accounting, or other professional advice or a substitute. Please discuss anything related to the certification process, professional advice or legal procedures with your MLS providers.

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