Social Media Amidst the Coronavirus Outbreak: What to Tell Your Clients About the Current State of the Real Estate Market
The real estate market is facing some tough challenges. One of them is the uncertainty of the current times. Many real estate agents wonder how they are supposed to present this shift in the real estate market to their clients. This is especially challenging on social media, one of the main platforms real estate agents use to connect with their clients. In this article, we will talk about how real estate professionals can explain the current situation in the real estate industry to their clients.
Use the Right Tone
Right now, it’s really easy to scare people away from your brand by using the wrong tone in your posts. That’s why it’s so important to present all the facts in a way that is informative but not overly emotional. Unfortunately, social media right now is full of panicked tweets and Instagram and Facebook posts. No need to add your two cents to this pile.
We suggest providing emotional support to your clients. Using a calm and compassionate tone in your posts will show that your clients are the top priority for your company. Take a look at the Realtyna’s tone on this matter.
Positive Updates
Hearing positive news is very much needed right now. What everyone is facing right now is unprecedented. But remember, we’re all in this together. As human beings, we need to hear some positive news after so much negative ones. Our brain is simply not designed to deal with so much bad news. Once in a while, we need a break. That’s why it’s so important to share all the positive updates about the current situation in your social media posts. Take a look on Realtyna’s Facebook Posts on this matter.
Provide Frequent Updates about Real Estate Market
It’s always a good idea to give frequent updates about the real estate industry to your clients. It’s especially important right now with the COVID-19 outbreak and such rapid changes in the real estate market. Information about COVID-19 and the real estate market is moving fast. That’s why providing timely updates is a must. As already mentioned, the calm tone in your posts will be very much appreciated by your clients. Be clear and transparent about this whole situation, but not overly emotional and dramatic.
Be Transparent About Your Real Estate Business During COVID-19 Outbreak
Don’t leave your clients wondering about the current situation with your real estate company. Be transparent about your working environment, safety precautions during COVID-19 and most importantly, how you are treating your employees.
Final Words
The question that many real estate agents have right now, is should they post on social media at all? Real estate business has slowed down. In some states, real estate services are deemed non-essential. Which, in a nutshell, means, no open houses, no listings promotion.
To answer the question simply, Yes, real estate agents should definitely keep posting on social media. Why?
Well, the simple answer would be to not lose your clients. We all know how important it is to stay in touch and reconnect with your clients. Social media is a great place for that.
Another reason why you should keep posting is the reality we’re living right now. Many people are practicing social distancing, staying at home. This means they spend more time on social media, scrolling through many posts on their feed for the latest updates about COVID-19 outbreak. And your social media page can become a useful source of that information. But don’t forget COVID-19 is not something you should capitalize on for profit.
P.S Interested in Facebook Ads to promote your listings during COVID 19 outbreak? Check out this article How to Launch a Facebook Ad for Real Estate
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