6 Tips to Overcome Writers Block When Working On Your Real Estate Blog
We all know the feeling.
You sit down in front of your computer to create new real estate blog content.
But nothing happens.
You can’t think of a subject or title. You’ve forgotten the great opening sentence you thought of a day ago.
You have writers block.
What can you do?
Here are 6 tips to overcome writers block when working on your real estate blog.
It happens all the time. A client asks a common question. You reply with the answer you know. Then you move on.
Even mentioning this probably brings back 4 or 5 questions you receive from nearly every client.
Why not write a blog post about one?
This serves two purposes. First, it’s a quick and easy way to generate blog content.
We do it all the time on this blog:
How Can I Get a National MLS Feed? > https://realtyna.com/blog/how-can-get-national-mls-feed/
Why Isn’t My Real Estate Website Ranking > https://realtyna.com/blog/why-isnt-my-real-estate-website-ranking/
Second, it helps inform your clients. The fact that the same questions keep getting asked suggests the answers are not readily available elsewhere.
You spend long enough doing something and eventually you’ll start finding problems.
It’s the same with real estate.
Pick one of these problems and propose a solution in a blog post.
Your solution does not need to be perfect. People may disagree with it.
But it will make great, engaging content.
And it will help build your credibility as an expert.
Here’s an easy one.
Scroll through your old emails. Find an email where you gave advice.
Now expand it into a blog post.
Easier yet, you could shield any personal information about your client and post the email thread as is.
Think of your inbox as a series of case studies on how to buy or sell a home.
Each of your email threads is a real exchange with a real client with real challenges.
There is a lot of valuable information there.
Is there an institution in your community? It could be a classic dinner or a long-running coffee shop.
Or it could be a new business trying to bring the love of old English ciders to your town. Anything.
Interview the owner and record the conversation on your phone.
Luke’s Tip #1:
Then type it up in a question-answer format.
You don’t need to post the whole interview. Pick maybe five questions and post them in a part 1. Then post five more in a part 2.
Or post part 1, and save part 2 for a day when you have writers block again.
People love learning from others’ mistakes.
Let them.
There must be a time when you made a simple mistake in your work.
Write about it in a blog post and explain the lessons you’ve drawn from it.
Even your worst errors can have a useful second life as a blog post.
As a real estate agent you are in a great position to create best-of lists.
Think of all properties you’ve seen.
Which have the best covered porches?
Revisit these properties, snap a photo, and write a blog post: 7 best porches for a summer gin and tonic.
It could be anything: 6 door knockers that will surprise you, best backyard ponds for a moment of Zen, best kitchens for morning coffee.
Make lists like these and have fun with them.
Don’t let writers block keep you from generating content for your real estate blog.
Bookmark this page and come back to it when you need inspiration.
Or check out more of our blogging tips here: https://realtyna.com/blog/boosting-real-estate-business-blog/
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