7 Tips to Convert More Leads at Your Next Open House
In this blog post you will read about our seven tips to convert more leads at your next open house
Open houses are one of the more traditional ways to advertise a property and generate leads. But for some real estate professionals, it’s their bread and butter.
With a few online tools you can increase walk-in clients at your open houses and engage with them more effectively.
Here are 7 tips to convert more leads at your next open house:
Tag Your Properties Online
If you host an IDX display on your website, you should tag any property with an upcoming open house. This will display a banner across the property thumbnail to make them more visible to website visitors. The tag also will make the property sortable, allowing your users to filter search results by open house. Or you could use the filter to create a new landing page for all upcoming open houses. Advertising your open house on your IDX is a great way to transition web leads into in person leads. With Realtyna’s WPL, our IDX plugin for WordPress, tagging open house properties is easy and fast via the Tags Add-on: https://realtyna.com/wpl-more-add-ons/
Publish Your Open House Dates on Your Website
It’s also important to publish your open house dates on your website. Ideally, when a client clicks on a property with an open house tag she should see the open house dates. This is possible with Realtyna’s WPL. In general the more information you can provide about your open house online, the more likely you will drive leads from your site to your open house.
Create PDF Flyers
On your open house date you will want to provide handouts with more information about the property. This will allow your walk-ins to leave with a physical reminder of the property they visited. One of the easiest ways to do this is to convert your IDX property listings into a paper flyer. It’s possible with Relatyna WPL: https://realtyna.com/property-flyer-template-pdf/
Neighborhood Highlights
It’s also a good idea to provide a handout with neighborhood amenities, to put the home you are showing into more context. If you’ve included neighborhood pages into your IDX display, they can be a good source of information for this. With Realtyna’s Neighborhood and Demographic Add-ons, you can define geographic regions on your IDX map and include shared features and demographic information about the surrounding area: https://realtyna.com/neighborhood-for-wpl/
Provide Local Market Report
You have a wealth of local information on your website. Why not share this information with your open house guests in the form of a market report. It should be easy to generate and it will provide your guests with more information about their area. And it might even encourage a few people who came to your open house “just to look” to think more seriously about buying.
Promote Your App
If you have an app, your open house is a great place to promote it. You should encourage people to download it on the spot to see what other homes are available in the area. The more tools you provide to your clients to look for homes, the more likely they will turn to you when it’s time to buy. Realtyna offers custom-branded iOS and Android apps for WPL that feature a property map, property search, introduction and splash-screen, and your company’s logo: https://realtyna.com/real-estate-ios-android-app/
Email Sign Up
Lastly, you want to increase the size of your email list. You should provide a sign-in sheet requesting visitor’s emails, and you should add these emails to your CRM. We have more information on Realtyna’s CRM here: https://realtyna.com/crm/
The real estate industry is about personal connections, and open houses are one of the best places to make them. Use these 7 tips to convert more leads at your next open house. Or contact Realtyna to see how our open house tools can make life easier for you.
rohit aggarwal
Posted at 02:24h, 10 JuneThanks for the information
varun gupta
Posted at 02:25h, 10 Junegood one keep it up