• Increased SEO Value
  • Increased Leads
  • MLS listings directly on your website
  • Advanced Search Options
  • Full Control Of Data




Supercharge Your Website with Realtyna’s Organic MLS Integration.

As a real estate professional, increasing leads and sales conversions is critical for every business. A website is the most important marketing tool and with an advanced platform, the website can generate more leads organically, rather than spending the hard-earned money on PPC (Pay Per Click) campaigns. If you want your website to function with the latest technology available to real estate professionals, then Organic MLS Integration needs to be part of your website plan.
With Organic MLS Integration using Realtyna’s WPL Pro Plugin and the MLS Add-on, the website owner is able to build their SEO value and ranking over time with a robust content filled website. Every listing that comes from the MLS will have its own indexable page on your website which Google loves. Not only does WPL Pro generate a URL for each listing, all the data is on your server. Every image and all the content are on your website; not a 3rd parties website like an IDX vendor who uses an iframe for the MLS listings. You are receiving the SEO benefits of a content rich site vs. providing the SEO benefits to another company.


    All MLS content including pictures are located on your own domain. Not a 3 rd party server. This helps build the SEO value of your website over time.


    All MLS content is optimized for search engines like Google to index. Each property listing receives its own URL on your website so the website is increasing content and gaining authority. This helps your website’s ranking and increases leads organically.


Your Site & IDX MLS


Why Use Realtyna’s
Organic MLS Integration:

Realtyna is the pioneer of Organic MLS Integration. With Realtyna’s WPL Pro Plugin and MLS Add-on, you will be building a robust website with all the MLS data. If you want a chance to outrank your competitor, then one tool in your marketing plan should be Organic MLS Integration.

  • Increased leads
  • Improves SEO Value
  • Display MLS Listings Directly on Your Website
realtyna + mls = mls
Realtyna Organic MLS Integration
IDX Data Sharing / Framing
Individual Property Indexing
Automatic Meta Data Creation
GEO Location SEO Settings
Gradual SEO Ranking High
Images & Contents Reside on Server
Data Acurracy High High
Flexible Property Titles
Flexible MLS Data Display
Flexible Search Parameters
Flexible Menus / Property Grouping Maybe
Smart Featured Listings
Agent Auto-assign
Neighborhood Auto Creation Addon
Building Complex Auto Creation Addon
Zillow Reviews Addon
Saved Search + Email Notification Addon
Independent from third party servers
Maintenance Requirements Medium Low
Ownership Type Owned Leased
Payment Differently Monthly

Realtyna’s Organic MLS Integration
Video Presentation

Watch the video to learn more about the benefits of Realtyna’s Organic MLS Integration.

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This can be your new MLS

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