save up to $3400
save up to $3400
bridgeMLS is the ultimate source of listings data, providing its participants and subscribers access to reliable data, through innovative technology, in the Northern California/Bay Area region. In addition to great customer support and training, they assist brokers and agents with access to 10+ MLS across California, with more than 80% state coverage.
Since the end of July 2019, bridgeMLS users have had access to MLS data from three additional California MLS! (CRMLS, CLAW MLS, and CrisNetMLS).
Lake County, Glenn County, Colusa County, Butte County, Tehama County (partial), Mariposa County, Tuolumne County (partial), Madera County, Fresno County (partial), San Luis Obispo County (partial), Kern Valley (partial), San Bernardino County (partial), Orange County, Riverside County (partial), and San Diego County (partial).
Greater Los Angeles County
Ventura County including the San Fernando Valley & Santa Clarita Valley.
MLS On The Fly™ software packages needed to use the above service and it’s included in the setup. This software will connect your own real estate website to the databases of your MLS Providers so that all the properties will end up on your website. You can request a free Demo before purchase.
The opinions or information expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views, policy, or position of Realtyna or MLS providers. The information on Realtyna’s Website is general, for informational purposes only, and is not to be relied upon or interpreted as real estate, legal, accounting, or other professional advice or a substitute. Please discuss anything related to the certification process, professional advice or legal procedures with your MLS providers.