WPL Calendar Add-on
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Availability Calendar

Showing the availability dates of vacation rental properties on the calendar.
Ability to define different seasons(high season/low season) and different pricing
for each season, as well as a different price for per day, per week, per month, etc.

Here are the list of features:

  • Ability to mark days as booked or available.
  • Ability to define different seasons (for example high season, low season, etc).
  • Ability to define a color for each season and assign days to seasons.
  • Ability to define different time periods such as per night, per week etc.
  • Ability to define price per time period for each season.
  • Ability to override original season days at property level.
  • Ability to enable/disable specific seasons for property pricing.
  • Ability to search for properties available in a period of time.
  • Ability to clear calendar data of property.