WPL Neighborhood Add-on

Highlight certain neighborhoods
Communities with rich information pages

  • Define hierarchical neighborhoods and community pages using this add-on, provide more information about the area and assign certain listings to respective neighborhood.

Real Estate is all about location. Brokers and Realtors are usually focused on certain regions, neighborhoods or communities. This Add-on enables you to highlight your area of activity and expertise on your website. Through the WPL neighborhood add-on you can:

  • Create individual pages for each region, including images, videos, features and description.  Please see the following example:

    Note: The neighborhood’s border on the map is created with the Demographic Add-on combined with the Neighborhood Add-on.

  • Create a hierarchy of neighborhoods/communities.
  • Assign listings to neighborhoods. These listings will be listed in the neighborhood pages as well.
  • Show the center of the neighborhood on the map.
  • Create a neighborhood listing page and menu. Please see the following example: wpl28.realtyna.com/theme28/neighborhood/
  • Create a carousel widget for showing the neighborhoods.

  • Define hierarchical neighborhoods and community pages using this add-on, provide more information about the area and assign certain listings to respective neighborhood.