Since the ongoing maintenance and care of a single website does not require a full-time webmaster or developer, Realtyna® offers a professional level Webmastering service packages to assist you with the maintenance and care of your website. You can hire highly experienced Realtyna® webmasters on an hourly basis for the following services:
- Website configurations, including:
- Configurations of Realtyna® products based on your specific needs.
- SEO configurations
- Content management including:
- Adding pages, menus, forms, etc.
- Setting up the right header, footer, logo position
- Graphic Design
- Banner/logo design
- Mockup design to change minor styles of certain parts of the website according to your request
- Although we suggest a monthly contract for the maintenance of your website, this service can be done occasionally based on your request:
- Updating WordPress, Realtyna® products or other third party plugins
- Creating and restoring backups
- Troubleshooting
After purchasing one of our Webmastering packages, a Google spreadsheet will be created and shared with you outlining the exact details of the minutes spent on each task.
Note: Your Webmastering package will not be used to solve bugs or for support requests that fall within our standard support coverage, while your support is valid.
Realtyna® with its highly trained and experienced webmasters is here to help you with your website technical tweaks.
Realtyna® with its highly trained and experienced web-masters is here to help you with your website technical tweaks.