Solutions for


Keep up with the latest MLS technology standards and stay ahead of the game.

For existing MLSs and

Move to the industry standard RESO Web API and provide your association members with the latest industry technologies.

Create a new multiple listing service

Start your own RESO Web API-based MLS system. Offer your association members a seamless connection to a pool of freshly-updated listings.

Main Features

RESO Web API Applications

Support the members of your MLS/association with agent-branded RESO Web API mobile applications

RESO Web API Servers

Allocate your listings to the newest industry standard RESO Web API servers.

Multi Language

Diversify your platform by enabling multi-language listings on your MLS.

Custom Design for your MLS

Design your own system infrastructure and work with skilled developers in order to implement the functionalities vital to your business.

Realtyna is a Certified
RESO Web API Server
with Multi-Language Support

Why you should work with Realtyna?

  • We’re an approved vendor of more than 200 MLS providers in the United States and Canada.
  • We serve over 12,000 B2B clients, which continuously helps us understand the end-user.
  • We have over a decade of experience in working with various MLS systems.

We know exactly how to help build the right MLS infrastructure for your needs.

Based on MLS Router™ API/RealtyFeed Cloud Infrastructures

Connect your MLS to the state-of-the-art service and serve data to API consumers.