Real Estate Facebook

Facebook Real Estate API Add-on

  • Promote listings on Facebook
  • Re-target leads as they browse
  • Link back to your site
  • Reach more clients
  • Generate Real Estate Leads using Facebook Listings

$1,000.0Add to cart

Agents convert more sales when they maintain a connection with their leads. With the Facebook Add-on you can keep this connection even as your leads browse social media.


The Facebook Add-on takes advantage of Facebook’s Dynamic Ads to send your listings to Facebook and convert them to ads.


Any leads that visit your site and click on a listing will see ads for similar listings in their Facebook and Instagram feeds.


Based on your preferences, each ad can include:


  •  Property image
  •  Address
  •  Price
  •  Availability
  •  Bedrooms
  •  Bathrooms
  •  Description


and more…

As the listings on your site change, so does your catalogue of ads on Facebook. Or you can select listings individually you want to use as ads.


Facebook Add-on allows you to develop cost-effective advertising to keep the attention of your leads even after they leave your site.

$1,000.0Add to cart